Do you need help from an alcohol rehab center? Are you unsure about whether your addiction is strong enough to warrant treatment? Or do you still find yourself stuck in believing you can end your addiction, with only “one more try” before seeking alcohol addiction rehab?
Breaking through your own denial about your drinking problem is difficult. But when you do, recovery awaits.
About Alcohol Addiction Denial
SAMHSA reported in 2012’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health that only one in 10 of people needing alcohol addiction rehab treatment ever get it. Many refuse this option because they deny their addiction. However, if you feel unsure, rest assured you likely only ask yourself whether you have a problem if that problem already exists. Sober people do not wonder whether they need help.
To help you see your own truth, ask yourself some important questions. Are you experiencing a lack of control over your drinking? Do you want to quit but cannot? Do you spend a lot of time trying to get alcohol, using it, and recovering from it?
Also consider whether you suffer cravings. Do you feel sick and get shaky if you do not drink? Are you neglecting your responsibilities? Do you have relationship problems?
Finally, do you take risks like drunk driving? Have you lost interest in your life? Answering yes to any two of these questions above means you should consider alcohol addiction rehab in a Texas alcohol addiction rehab center.
When Your Friends Deny You Need Alcohol Addiction Rehab
If your friends or family say you do not need rehab, ask yourself whether they also abuse substances. If they do, they likely are afraid to lose you as a drinking buddy or someone to party with them.
Some people believe you can shake your problem yourself. They tell you to get a handle on it or just stop putting the glass to your lips. Of course, if you sense you cannot quit on your own, the only right decision is alcohol addiction rehab.
Alcohol Can End Your Life
Alcohol can end your life, whether through internal damage from long-term drinking, in a drunk driving accident, or binge drinking related alcohol poisoning. If you tell yourself you do not need treatment because you could be worse off, you are endangering yourself. “Worse off” is a tightrope walk with death.
Consider your alcohol addiction like other chronic, relapsing diseases. Compare it to diabetes or cancer. If you received a diabetes or cancer diagnosis, would you doubt your need for medical help? Would you wait until your cancer grows worse?
Don’t wait until you hit rock bottom. Get the alcohol addiction rehab help you need now before you lose even more to your drinking. Today’s treatment programs provide all of the therapies and approaches needed to get you from questioning your sobriety to owning it.