Your alcohol addiction is quickly becoming an insurmountable obstacle. Looking for an alcohol rehab center near me introduces you to several rehab facilities. Still, you hesitate. What goes on at an alcohol addiction rehab center?
What’s Triggering You to Abuse Alcohol?
Right now, it might be the fear of withdrawal that keeps you drinking. However, there was a time when you thought the drug could solve a problem. At an alcohol addiction rehab center, you return to that point in time. You examine the stressors and triggers that led you to abuse the drug.
From there, you move forward. You uncover ways of dealing with stressors in healthy ways. Most importantly, you learn that you don’t have to rely on any chemical substance to deal with triggers. Besides that, you learn a good deal about yourself that will be invaluable for lifelong sobriety.
Entering an Alcohol Addiction Rehab Center
When you first talk to an intake advisor, you learn about the delivery care options. Similarly, you find out about the continuum of care that the facility offers. Examples might include:
- Detoxification onsite or via a trusted partner facility to provide medical supervision of the process
- Residential rehab that encourages you to live at the center and participate in a broad range of therapeutic
- interventions
- Extended care, which benefits individuals who might need additional time to recover from a drinking problem
- Outpatient treatment that’s typically a step-down option for future graduates of a residential care program
- Transitional living that acts as a buffer between independent living and residential care at the facility
This continuum of care takes you through the various stages of recovery. A professional alcohol addiction rehab center won’t rush you. Therapists recognize that each client’s healing process is unique. Most importantly, undergoing treatment at your own pace ensures that you successfully master each stage.
For example, there’s no point in beginning rehab if you’re still detoxing. You can’t focus on therapy if your body still believes that it needs a drink to survive. Once you break this part of dependency, you move on to clinical care. It’s the same with the different stages of the clinical care process.
Creature Comforts and Sober Fun are Instrumental
Far too many people think of alcohol addiction treatment as a dreary undertaking. That’s not the case. Remember that an alcohol use disorder is a medical condition. Therefore, rehab operators want to make your stay at their facilities as comfortable as possible.
Part and parcel of the experience are creature comforts, chef-prepared meals, and private trainers. Experiential therapy options vary by location. Typically, they take you outdoors for enjoyable activities. Many patients in an addiction treatment program learn new hobbies during rehab.
Frequently, there are also game nights and outings alongside therapists. These serve a dual purpose. Of course, they make the stay enjoyable. Similarly, they help you relearn how to have fun without drinking.
Get the Help You Need Today
Don’t wait to get help. A high-quality alcohol addiction rehab center is a call away. Talk with an intake specialist now!